Monday, October 3, 2011

i-PART - your daily productivity tool

24 hours is all we have to get something out of a day, and how much do we actually spend on planning for it. For most of us, the number is a big zero. We just get through the day, almost like a machine, responding to situations and managing incidents randomly strewn in a largely unpredictable day. But, is that how we are supposed to function? Not really, we are social animals but with intelligence. Efficiency in planning and execution is what differentiates success from failure.

Following are the critical components of a simple productivity management tool - i-PART

1) Identify - List down everything that is there on your list of To-Do items. Prepare a Master List and Draw out related action items. For a Sales Manager, a typical Master List would look like this:

Master List : a) Align team's goals with individual goals for the week, b) Interact with primary customers - distributors and set the right expectations, c) Feedback, coach and mentor team members, d) Share progress with seniors e) Document, Knowledge, Insights

2) Prioritize - Mark the items as "Immediate" (T0), "If time permits today" (T1), "Few days" (T3), "If time permits this week" (T7)

3) Act - Act on T0 and T1 items and close as many of them as possible.

4) Review/Re-prioritize - Check and confirm if the priorities were set in a correct manner.

5) Track - Remove the items that are done and put a target date on the items that need to be done.

i-PART is best done early in the morning right after you get ready for work.